Monday, October 25, 2010

The Australian gets it wrong

More precisely, John Lyons, their Middle East Correspondent did. Below is what he wrote this morning:

The Vatican has issued one of its strongest condemnations yet of Israel's "occupation" of the West Bank. It has rejected the use of biblical texts by Jewish settlers to justify "injustices".

Releasing a strongly worded document by the synod of bishops for the Middle East, a senior Archbishop also challenged the notion of Jews as "the chosen people", saying such a concept no longer existed.

After a two-week conference, which ended with a meeting with the Pope, the bishops called on the international community to pressure Israel to end the occupation. "Recourse to theological and biblical positions, which use the word of God to wrongly justify injustices, is not acceptable," the statement said.


One has to wonder if the opening words are the work of Lyons or the work of a sub-editor. Lyons has been prominent in Australian journalism for some time so I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt and blame a sub-editor for the clanger.

The problem is, you see, that the Vatican issued NO statement about Israel whatsoever. The statement was issued by a clutch of Middle-Eastern bishops with a vested interest in protecting their people from Muslim attacks. Being pro-Israel would be fatal to them. Their only connection to the Vatican is that they held their conference there. Israel's reply is here

1 comment:

Paul said...

While I'n no fan of Israel, unlike you, I'm still fascinated by the politics that seems to be playing out here. This has been reported through much of the world press as being a statement from the Vatican, which I suppose it is in a literal sense, but I can see no reason for it to be so either. It would be inflammatory and kind of pointless. I'm now waiting to see if the Vatican officialy dis-owns this group and their statement. If they don't then I suspect things will really warm up between Israel and the Church. Sometimes scary but never dull.