Senator Cory Bernardi asserts conservative values
Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi gave a small but vocal group of student protesters the slip in Brisbane on Saturday, opting for back-door entry to the Broncos Leagues Club for a speaking engagement.
The ultra-conservative South Australian MP was in town to address the party faithful and spruik his book, The Conservative Revolution, at the invitation of soon-to-retire Queensland Nationals Senator Ron Boswell.
Senator Boswell introduced his controversial colleague as a "conviction politician", in one of his last official functions before his retirement at the end of June.
Simultaneously, outside the club, students and academics protested the deregulation of university fees announced in the federal budget.
Though the group was almost outnumbered by a strong show of force by police, National Union of Students (Queensland) spokesman Duncan Hart said they were determined to let Senator Bernardi know how the budget measures would impact on the children of the families he claims to represent - even if the politician's evasive entry to the venue did not give them the opportunity to do so in person.
"Cory Bernardi has said the budget needs to be tougher, which is just a repugnant statement," said Mr Hart, a student.
"He claims he stands for family values, but working-class families will be priced out of university. Working-class young people will be priced out of education."
In measures announced in the budget, university students look set to be slugged with debts of tens of thousands of dollars for their degrees, along with higher interest rates for repayments.
Senator Bernardi said he did not believe some budget measures were tough enough.
Griffith University lecturer Kaye Broadbent told the small crowd the "conservative future" plan of Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey was unwanted.
"These young people are trying, in your words, to be lifters," she said.
"But students are going to be in debt for a very long time."
Inside, Senator Bernardi did not touch upon cuts to tertiary education in his 45-minute address to the largely mature crowd that packed the auditorium of the club.
His address canvassed his usual topics, though in a somewhat more measured delivery than what he has become renowned for. Political correctness, abortion, euthanasia, the Greens and welfare recipients were all in Senator Bernardi's line of fire.
As was the ABC, the public broadcaster for which he has campaigned strongly to be the recipient of funding cuts. However, it was the conservative Christian's lament over the increasing societal move away from the nuclear family and his opposition to de facto and same-sex marriage that dominated his speech. "Marriage once held a unique place in our society," he said, before adding to enthusiastic audience applause the need to stand firm against the further degradation of the time-honoured institution.
"The traditional idea of family has also taken a battering,'' he said. "Political correctness dictates we can't even talk about the best environment for raising children for fear of causing offence, even if the evidence overwhelmingly supports it."
Manus Island conflict was inevitable
Iranian Muslim values and New Guinean values don't have a lot in common
Only Kevin Rudd would put an angry Islamist and an angry New Guinean in the one room and expect both to walk out alive. But Labor was leaving Abbott another landmine, this time in P-NG.
The Pickering Post reported at the time that P-NG should never ever be considered as a holding, processing or settlement site for illegal arrivals. The only surprise is that Scott Morrison decided to continue with it.
The Post was told early this year that Morrison had asked Foreign Affairs Minister, Julie Bishop to broach the subject of processing and resettlement in the Solomons.
Julie Bishop travelled there and did so, but Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo knew the extra millions offered could never justify such a volatile mix of cultures on his shores.
Vanuatu’s Prime Minister Carcasses also rejected the proposal. And it takes a very good reason for those two corrupt monkeys to knock back money!
Morrison was left with little choice but to persist with Rudd’s deal with P-NG’s Peter O’Neill.
O’Neill was the only one prepared to accept a fistful of dollars while being fully aware of the explosive nature of what lay ahead.
So the Cornall report on the death of Reza Berati is no more than a resumé of a predictable disaster that Kevin Rudd started and Scott Morrison is continuing with. He really shouldn’t.
Stand by for many more deaths when processed detainees are sent from Manus Island to Port Moresby, as planned.
The ABC and Fairfax in July last year heralded Rudd’s P-NG solution as an "election masterstroke".
The Post reported the next day: "The truth is that it's a time bomb that will not explode until after the election, it will again be Abbott’s problem. P-NG is a nation of murderous head-shrinking savages whose religion is black magic and voodoo with a sprinkling of bastardised Christianity. It has a currency in pigs. Pigs are an indicator of wealth. As nearly all boat people are Muslim, settlement there is an inconceivable proposition. P-NG’s cities are known as the most dangerous in the world and anyone even considering building a mosque there would find themselves on the menu at the next kukim long paia."
Security company G4S had hired locals with bush knives who react poorly to the term, "fucking ape!" The discredited Salvation Army also employed locals who aren’t used to turning the other cheek.
If you had to choose a place on the planet an Islamist would rather not be, it would be P-NG.
Perhaps that’s the idea
Federal Government continues campaign to delist part of Tasmania's wilderness with state government's help
The Federal Government remains outwardly confident it can convince the World Heritage Committee to delist part of Tasmania's World Heritage wilderness.
It is giving committee members more information about past logging but conservation groups doubt it will be enough.
The Parliamentary Secretary for Forestry, Richard Colbeck, is leading the campaign to have 74,000 hectares excised from the World Heritage listing.
He argues it has been degraded by past logging.
The Senator says the World Heritage Committee will be given new information, after concerns the Federal Government's submission had no detailed justifications or explanations.
"Up until the state election in March we didn't have a co-operative State Government and there was certainly some information around previous harvesting that we didn't have access to the information for," Senator Colbeck said.
Vica Bayley from the Wilderness Society says the Government is clutching at straws.
"It's last ditch attempt to try to convince the World Heritage Committee that they are right, when all the facts say that they are wrong," he said.
Senator Colbeck is not saying how much of the World Heritage area will be logged if it is delisted.
"That number I think needs to be determined by the management process that's put in place," Senator Colbeck said.
He has ruled out logging if the areas are not delisted.
"I suppose potentially you could but I think you really need to consider what the broader community would understand in that respect, I don't think that would be acceptable to the broader community," he said.
The World Heritage Committee meets in Doha, Qatar, in two weeks.
More than 500 Afghans resettled in Australia after helping Defence Force
More than 500 Afghan nationals who helped Australia's mission in Afghanistan have been resettled in Australia under a "discreet" relocation program, the Government says.
Defence Minister David Johnston said the employees and their families, including interpreters, were assessed to be at risk of harm after providing critical support to the Australian Defence Force and Australian Government agencies in Afghanistan.
"Many of these employees were placed at significant risk of harm by insurgents in Afghanistan, due to the highly visible and dangerous nature of their employment," Mr Johnston said in a statement.
The majority of those already settled in Australia arrived over the latter part of 2013 and early 2014.
The statement said the Government had wanted to conduct the process "with a high level of discretion, given the sensitivities and risks involved for the applicants and their families".
It is understood the Afghan employees and their families were keen to settle in Australia and said they were eager to start new lives and establish themselves as soon as possible.
The families were provided with accommodation, health services and household assistance.
"Many have already commenced employment or vocational training opportunities and their children are enrolled in school," Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews said in the joint statement.
Following the completion of Australia's mission in Uruzgan and the departure of Australian Defence Force personnel from the province, Australia will continue to provide training and advisory support to the Afghan National Security Forces.
What does he see in her?
His previous girlfriend, Liz Hurley, was once said to have the best tits in England
THE Potbelleez muso Jonny Sonic has warned spin king Shane Warne to steer clear of new girlfriend Emily Scott. “Oh god SHANE don’t do it!!!!,” Sonic wrote on Instagram, with a photo of Confidential’s story on the couple last week.
Sonic also posted the story on his personal Facebook page.
One friend commented: “Haha Jonny” to which he replied, “She is NOT a nice person!!!!” Later he wrote, “Shane’s in for a treat with Emily I tell ya ... Not in a good way!”
Scott previously dated Sonic’s deejay mate, Bass Kleph.
Sonic, who next month releases a new single with The Potbellleez called Here On Earth, is currently dating fashion designer Camilla Franks.
Warne, who recently ended his engagement to Liz Hurley, has been linked to Scott after attending the 50th birthday bash of Jeff Fenech last week. She also attended a Full Moon Party in Melbourne with Warne recently and the pair have known each other for eight years.
Scott, a celebrity DJ, is 14 years younger than the 44-year-old Warne.
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