Bikini model takes on cops she says perved on her file
Attractive women sometimes find that their looks are a hazard and if Renee looks good in photos she looks even better in real life. Her fight with the cops began when a piece of police slime named Donnelly tried to coerce her into sex. But Renee has a will of steel and she never gives up.
I am pleased to note that I contributed $5,000 to her courtroom battle that finally extracted a damages payment from the cops for Donnelly's behaviour. Donnelly didn't have a fraction of her steel. The stress of the matter saw him invalided out of the force even before the matter went to court.
But Renee is still going strong in her insistence on police integrity. She is also helping corruptly prosecuted whistleblower cop Sgt Rick Flori
A FORMER bikini model turned justice crusader whose police file was accessed more than 1400 times has asked the Crime and Corruption Commission to investigate.
Renee Eaves is also demanding an explanation from Queensland Police Service.
Ms Eaves, who won a harassment payout for an unlawful arrest case in 2011, has been a fierce critic of the QPS over a number of scandals.
She launched a Freedom of Information request last month to find out how many times officers had accessed her QPRIME file.
Essentially an online folder of personal information, access to QPRIME files is confined to officers in the duty of their job.
Officers could access the information after pulling over motorists for traffic matters or when they attend addresses on domestic violence matters for instance.
Many people would go through their lives with their file being accessed only a handful of times.
However, Ms Eaves, who says she has been guilty of nothing more than a few traffic offences over the years, says it beggars belief that police would need to access her file more than 1400 times in the past 10 years.
Officers accessed her information a staggering 1435 times from 2006 until as recently as last month.
Renee Eaves was crowned Miss Bikini World in 1999.
In the past, investigations have been conducted when officers have accessed certain information on no more than a handful of occasions.
Ms Eaves has written to the head of the QPS Ethical Standards Command demanding an explanation.
“It’s abuse of public office,” she told The Courier-Mail. “They think that they can access my file whenever they like but they can’t. It’s a breach of privacy laws.
“They have taken action against one officer who accessed a file just once.
“They have accessed mine 1400 times so they are just taking the piss.”
She wrote to Police Minister Bill Byrne, whose office said he could not intervene but suggested she could lodge a complaint with the CCC, which she has now also done.
Ms Eaves said some of the state’s top lawyers had told her the situation was nothing short of disgraceful.
“I’ve been told that some hardcore bikies or hardened criminals would not have had their records searched as often as I have,” she said.
A former international bikini model, Ms Eaves was running a successful modelling agency on the Gold Coast when she was dragged from her home, heavily pregnant and arrested for an alleged traffic matter.
She took on the QPS for unlawful arrest and won a substantial payout.
Spate of carjackings in Melbourne by African APEX gang
Apex members are from South Sudan. The "modus operandi" of the carjackings was similar in all cases
Carjackers have targeted two luxury car owners in Melbourne within 24 hours, stealing a Mercedes and an Audi.
In the second incident, a 23-year-old driver of an Audi was nudged from behind by a BMW in Malvern on Wednesday morning.
The Audi driver was assaulted with a crowbar when he got out of his car to inspect the damage. His attacker then stole the car and drove off, followed by the BMW.
Ambulance Victoria says the victim suffered upper body injuries and was taken to the Alfred Hospital. He remains in a stable condition.
In a similar incident on Tuesday morning, a 40-year-old was driving his Mercedes in Malvern East when it was repeatedly nudged from behind. Three people attacked the Mercedes driver with a hammer when he pulled over to assess the damage. The group took the man's keys and made off with his car. He was taken to hospital in a stable condition.
Officers arrested a 16-year-old in relation to the car-jacking a few hours later.
Although detectives don't believe the two incidents are connected, there has been a spate of similar car-jackings in Melbourne in recent months.
Authorities believe the spike was due to improved car security which makes it much harder to hotwire and steal cars.
Police have previously linked some of the worst bumping incidents to the notorious Apex youth crime gang which have also been blamed for a spate of home invasions where keys were demanded and vehicles were stolen.
Recent carjackings in Melbourne include:
June 19 - An 87-year-old woman was pushed to the ground by a man while putting her walker into the car. He stole her keys and drove off with her car, almost running her over in the process.
June 15 - A compact SUV is stolen at gunpoint in Frankston.
June 14 - A man stole a Volkswagen Golf armed with a firearm after initially getting into the car and asking for a lift because he was cold.
Vulpine old bag out to ‘shape agenda’ for "Safe Schools" program into Marxist thinking
The research doyenne behind the controversial Safe Schools curriculum has spoken of “shaping an agenda” in order to attract support for the purported anti-bullying program — a bold admission likely to fuel concerns about a hidden ideological bent.
Emeritus professor Anne Mitchell, whose work with LGBTI communities helped spawn the program, has also revealed how early research into young people attracted to those of the same sex was purposely tied to a disease or public health issue to attract funding; initially HIV and later suicide.
“The early work I did in schools was all funded by youth suicide money,” Professor Mitchell told a Safe Schools Coalition event last month.
“People loved that — not gay people, but other people loved it. This was a great reason to spend money.”
According to audio leaked from the event, Professor Mitchell also said one of her team’s biggest successes was shifting the issue from the moral arena — given some religious schools would have been unlikely to sign on to a program that gave the appearance of supporting homosexuality — to a safety one.
“And schools were grateful of that; it made them feel safe,” she said. “It was a very successful way of shaping an agenda that could go forward at that time.”
Her comments, however, are likely to inflame debate about the Safe Schools program.
They have come to light after highly regarded school curriculum expert Ken Wiltshire entered the fray, voicing concerns about the outsourcing of controversial school subjects, such as religious studies and sex education, to “ideological interest groups’’.
“Governments should never outsource the development of curriculum content to interest groups, particularly those with an ideological purpose or agenda,” Emeritus Professor Wiltshire told The Australian. “We don’t want material creeping into the curriculum without it being quality assured.”
Not only has La Trobe University, through its Australian Research Centre for Sex Health and Society, steered much of the research behind Safe Schools, it has lobbied for policies to support LGBTI communities, including more inclusive sexuality education.
It now administers the taxpayer-funded Safe Schools Coalition Victoria program on the Victorian government’s behalf, with controversial Marxist activist Roz Ward at the helm.
Ms Ward, who was recently suspended for alleged misconduct, only to be reinstated a few days later, has publicly admitted that Safe Schools was not an anti-bullying program but rather a tool to promote gender and sexual diversity. Professor Mitchell, a founding member of the Australian Research Centre for Sex Health and Society, has previously said “we are still a way off schools actively celebrating the sexual diversity of their students”.
The Victorian opposition has pledged to replace the Safe Schools program, which is set to become compulsory in all government schools, with a comprehensive anti-bullying program.
Solar and wind power simply don’t work — not here, not anywhere
By Keith DeLacy, a former Labor treasurer of Queensland
One policy which seems to have escaped scrutiny during this election campaign is Labor’s commitment to increase the Renewable Energy Target to 50 per cent by 2030. I am surprised because it is a proposal that has enormous ramifications for economic growth and living standards, and disproportionate impacts on traditional Labor constituencies.
The problem we have in Australia is when we talk renewable energy we are talking wind and solar only — low value, expensive, unreliable, high capital cost, land hungry, intermittent energy.
According to the Department of Industry and Science wind currently generates 4.1 per cent and solar 2 per cent of Australia’s electricity. But even this is highly misleading because it is such low value power. You could close it down tomorrow (which it regularly does by itself) and it would make no difference to supply.
If we talk about total energy, as opposed to just electricity, wind and solar represent 1 per cent of Australia’s energy consumption. This despite billions of dollars of investment, subsidies, creative tariffs, mandates, and so on.
Solar and wind simply don’t work, not here, not anywhere.
The energy supply is not dense enough. The capital cost of consolidating it makes it cost prohibitive. But they are not only much more expensive because of this terminal disadvantage, they are low value intermittent power sources — every kilowatt has to be backed up by conventional power, dreaded fossil fuels. So we have two capital spends for the same output — one for the renewable and one for the conventional back-up. Are you surprised it is so much more expensive, and inefficient, and always will be? So wind and solar, from a large scale electricity point of view, are duds. Now I know that will send the urgers into paroxysms of outrage. But have you ever seen an industry that so believed its own propaganda. Note, when they eulogise the future of renewables they point to targets, or to costly investments, never to the real contribution to supply.
Let’s look overseas where many countries have been destroying their budgets and their economies on this illusion for longer and more comprehensively than we in Australia. The Germans are ruing the day they decided to save the world by converting to solar and wind. Germany has spent $US100bn on solar technology and it represents less than 1 per cent of their electricity supply.
Energy policy has been a disaster. Subsidies are colossal, the energy market is now chaotic, industry is decamping to other jurisdictions, and more than a million homes have had their power cut off.
It is reported electricity prices in Germany, Spain and the UK increased by 78 per cent, 111 per cent and 133 per cent between 2005 and 2014 as they forced additional renewable capacity into their electricity markets. Sunny Spain used to be the poster boy for renewables in Europe — photovoltaic cells and wind turbines stretching on forever. Now they are broke, winding back subsidies, even the feed-in tariffs which were guaranteed for 20 years. But wait, what about the green energy jobs that everybody gushes about? Spain has an unemployment rate of 21 per cent with a youth rate of 45.5 per cent.
Britain is little better. Subsidies are being wound back, and a Department of Energy report points out that in 2013, the number of households in fuel poverty in England was estimated at 2.35 million representing around 10.4 per cent of all households.
It is no better in the US either. States with renewable energy mandates are backtracking faster than Sally Pearson can clear hurdles. Ohio has halved its mandate level (it was 25 per cent by 2025) because of high costs. West Virginia has repealed its mandate because of high costs, and New Mexico has frozen its mandates. Kansas was repealing its mandate which reportedly would save ratepayers $171m, representing $4367 for each household, and so the dismal story goes on. The US Department of Energy has found electricity prices have risen in states with mandates twice as fast as those with no mandate. As of 2013 California was the only state to adopt a feed-in tariff for solar power. It was immediately dubbed a failure by the renewable energy community because it offered only 31 cents per kWh, only five times the rate for conventional base load power.
Ah, but Asian countries are jumping on the bandwagon. Maybe. China built one new coalfired power plant every week in 2014, and India’s coal-powered investment in that same year equalled the total electricity capacity of NSW and Queensland. To summarise — with all of the trillions spent worldwide on wind and solar, wind currently represents 1.2 per cent of global consumption of energy, and solar 0.2 per cent.
The good news, it is possible to reduce fossil fuel use in electricity generation — through hydro-electricity and nuclear fuel. Plenty of countries have done it — Canada 60 per cent hydro and 15 per cent nuclear; Sweden 45 per cent hydro and 48 per cent nuclear; Switzerland 54 per cent hydro and 41 per cent nuclear; France 11 per cent hydro and 79 per cent nuclear.
But Australia has zero tolerance of these two workable alternatives to fossil fuels. At least we are consistently inconsistent.
So where does that leave us? On the basis of evidence everywhere we could easily double the price of electricity and get nowhere near the 50 per cent target. What would that mean?
First, it means rapidly disappearing blue collar jobs in high energy industries like manufacturing, car and ship building, smelting and refining, steel making and food processing. There may be still some construction jobs, but they will largely be assembly only, as all of the components will come from those countries more interested in growing the economy and eliminating poverty than stoking the warm inner glow. Make no bones about it, a clean green economy has no place for high-vis shirts.
Second, rapidly rising electricity prices and the subsequent increase in the cost of living, disproportionately affects those at the bottom of the income scale.
Policies like this are OK for the Greens. They can keep their virtue intact because they never have to deliver. As Gough Whitlam once said, only the impotent are pure.
Mainstream parties don’t have that luxury. They need to look at the true costs, and benefits, of all policy proposals.
Re. That vulpine old bag Anne Mitchell.
Leftists like her are the smart ones who manipulate the image conscious and emotionally focused ones. They come up with the false motives and presentations for leftist programs - as she admits. She possibly has early stage dementia or she would not have revealed how she works. From her sort, the lesser smart program designers, writers, implementers, do their work. With leftists, the smarter they are, the more cunning they are, and the more deceptive, initiative, manipulative and influential.
Leftist intelligence is degrees of cunningness; it is like fox intelligence; its prime distinction and all subsequent distinctions are between what it can prey on and what can hurt it. All other things that healthy hearts and minds perceive are unnoticeable to them and merely form the underlying canvass on which the distinctions and priorities of the leftist world are painted.
Well, it didn't take the Africans long to start behaving like Africans did it.
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