Be it due to subdued economic conditions or high cost of living pressures, or other factors, migration levels to Australia are falling fast
This is VERY good news. Immigration levels have long been very high. And many of the immigrants will be in a car of a morning helping to create the peak-hour traffic jams we all know about. Authorities have not been able to build the wider roads and extra tunnels that are needed to keep pace with the influx.
And immigrants are big users of the public hospitals, meaning that EVERYONE has to endure long waits just to get an appointment if they have anything seriously wrong with them. Older people remember the time when hospital staff were always waiting to take charge the minute an ambulance rolled up. Now the ambulance will often have to wait hours to unload -- "ramping" it is called. And while the ambulance is waiting to unload, it can't be sent to help another patient. So everybody waits, even urgent cases.
We need a radical slowdown in immigration if public services are to catch up
According to Commsec, citing overseas arrivals and departures data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics earlier today, net migration — simply arrivals less departures — fell to 263,920 in the year to May, the lowest annual total since March 2007.
That equates to around 1.1% of Australia’s total population.
Families left terrified after 'African home invaders' smashed their way into two Melbourne homes using ROCKS - before stealing luxury watches and cars
African crime is a big problem in Melbourne. Apparently lucky Melbourne got a big lot of them
Two terrified families were woken to the sound of shattered glass before discovering their cars and personal belongings, including luxury watches, were stolen in a series of violent home invasions.
In the first incident, a young couple was left cowering in their ensuite after hearing a rock smash through bi-fold doors at their Airport West home, north-west of Melbourne in the early hours of Wednesday morning.
The pair quickly barricaded themselves in the bathroom next to their bedroom at around 3.45am as they desperately called police for help.
'I yelled out "who's there?" and someone just yelled back "Don't f---ing move",' the victim told 3AW on Wednesday.
'Someone tried to fiddle with the lock so I was leaning up against the door holding the lock closed at the same time. 'It was pretty terrifying (and) quite traumatic.'
When the couple emerged, they found the offenders had allegedly stolen their grey Volkswagen with the registration number VJT086, a purse and valuable watches.
Just an hour later about five kilometres away, a family of four were woken by the sound of a garden boulder crashing through doors at the back of their Essendon home shortly before 5am.
The family went into the living room where they were allegedly confronted by three men of African appearance who demanded the keys to their cars.
The father threw the keys to a limited edition black 2015 Holden Club Sport Anniversary - as police are told there are only 100 of the model in circulation.
It's alleged the trio also demanded the keys to the family Jeep but decided to take off in the black Holden sedan, registration number AFL268 after grabbing a wallet from the kitchen bench.
'I realised there were multiple guys in the house,' the man, believed to be the father, told Nine News.
'My natural instinct was to protect my family, my wife was behind me, I had two little kids in the bedroom.'
The Holden was spotted by police on Milleara Road turning into Keilor Park Drive in Keilor East, heading toward the Western Ring Road about 5am.
Detective Senior Sergeant Chris Hussey could not confirm whether the men were linked to the Apex gang but said the break-ins appeared to have targeted late-model cars.
'Clearly these aggravated burglaries have targeted the cars. They've gone into the houses with a specific intent,' he said, according to ABC News.
'They appear to be targeting modern, often luxury, cars, they've obviously got the cars they are targeting, taking those houses based on the cars they see.
'I think they see the car they want from the street, and they go in and take it.'
Police believe the two incidents are linked as investigations continue.
Retrospective: African attacks on Chinese students in Melbourne
The report below is from two months ago
The Chinese Consulate has urged Melbourne University, the state government and local police to better secure the safety of vulnerable Chinese students after a spate of targeted attacks by the city’s notorious Apex gang.
Vice Consular General Lin Jing said while Melbourne University and Victoria police had been quick to act on the attacks more needed to be done to secure ongoing “safe and happy living conditions” for Chinese students to help alleviate the growing anxiety of their parents.
Mr Jing said parents in China had contacted the consulate looking for information about the attacks and general safety of their children after Chinese state media reported Asian students were being terrorised by a gang around the Melbourne University campus.
Victoria Police, the Victorian government and the university have been at pains to hose down publicity over the assaults following international outrage and adverse coverage five years ago over a string of brutal attacks on Indian students.
Mr Jing said the Chinese consulate was paying “close and constant” attention to the issue and would continue to work with police and the university to ensure better security for its nationals studying in Melbourne.
“In China, especially, the parents of Chinese students are concerned about their kids’ safety,” he said. “The government, police and university have done a good job but more needs to be done to improve the security of Chinese students.”
The Asian students were believed to be targeted because of the perception they would not fight back, were wealthy and had valuable mobile technology which could be easily traded for cash or drugs.
There was also a violent attack on Chinese students in the suburb of Ormond where a gang of young African men from the Apex gang broke into the townhouse in the middle of the night, assaulting the students and stealing cars and hi-tech goods.
The Gold Coast police are alive with thugs and goons but top police are in denial about it. As the Gold Coast is a major holiday and tourist destination for both Australians and people from overseas that is a big problem. Three current articles below
Police find no fault with police
THERE is no evidence of a widespread, pervasive or negative culture within the Gold Coast policing district, an internal review has found.
Queensland Police on Tuesday released three reports into police shootings, the use of force and the culture of officers.
Police Commissioner Ian Stewart said many of the reports’ recommendations had already been finalised.
“Our members deal with volatile situations around the state on a daily basis,” he said.
“The vast majority are handled appropriately but it is important to continue to review all uses of force to ensure any issue are addressed.”
Commissioner Stewart said changes would be made to how police officers were trained to emphasise using minimal force to de-escalate situations.
Queensland Police Union president Ian Leavers said he was pleased the reports’ findings had been made public but there was still a lot of work to be done with the recommendations.
Gold Coast police officer will not face excessive force charge, crime watchdog finds
A Gold Coast police officer will not be charged over allegations he used excessive force while arresting a 51-year-old youth detention worker, Queensland's Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) says.
The CCC has however recommended disciplinary action be taken against the officers involved.
Ray Currier and his two colleagues were arrested outside a Surfers Paradise bar about 9:00pm in January 2015, with the incident occurring after one was refused entry.
Ray Currier, from Drewvale on Brisbane's southside
Photo: Ray Currier alleged he was a victim of police brutality. (ABC TV News)
CCTV footage showed Mr Currier being surrounded by police, falling to the ground and being punched in the head.
Nearby tourists also captured the moment from a nearby balcony, showing police repeatedly punching Mr Currier in the head and chest before he fell to the ground where he was struck several more times.
Mr Currier made a complaint to the CCC, saying, at the time, he was trying to move the group on.
CCC chair Alan MacSporran QC said he accepted Mr Currier had appeared to be attempting to move everyone out of the area, as had been requested by police prior to his arrest.
Alleged police incidents:
September, 2015 - Footage emerges of a Gold Coast police officer punching a handcuffed man in the face.
September, 2015 - A man dies while being taken into police custody on the Gold Coast, he reportedly stopped breathing after struggling with police officers.
September, 2015 - Gold Coast youth worker alleges he was assaulted by police outside a venue at Surfers Paradise.
June, 2015 - Two police officers suspended in North Queensland over accusations of excessive force.
May, 2015 - Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley - the police officer acquitted of the manslaughter of Cameron Doomadgee on Palm Island - and his partner are stood down over an alleged police pursuit and use of excessive force.
Mr MacSporran said one of the officers was clearly seen using force but could argue in court that he was acting in self-defence.
"The evidence showed police only applied force after the complainant refused to stop interfering in the other arrest despite a number of requests to move away, Mr MacSporran said.
"Although the force used was significant, video and other evidence reveals the complainant's arm was wrapped around the police officer's thigh where his firearm was holstered when they fell to the ground.
"The CCC categorically accepts the complainant had no intention of removing or using the police officer's firearm.
"The officer was of the view his firearm may have been taken from him.
"This clearly raises a defence of self-defence for the police officer which the prosecution would not be able to disprove as required for a successful prosecution."
Mr Currier now suffers post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from the incident and was too unwell to speak to media.
His wife, Kris Currier, said the outcome of the investigation was unbelievable.
"Like any other victim, when you don't feel that there's justice is being served, it's very hard for a person to move on," she said.
"I mean let's face it, Ray's rights were stripped of him. "We've lost all faith in the justice system."
The conduct of a number of police officers involved in the arrest, transportation of the man to the watch house and other interactions that do not amount to criminal conduct will be referred to the Ethical Standards Command with a recommendation they consider disciplinary action.
In an interview with ABC News last year, Mr Currier maintained he did nothing wrong. "I've got a cold fury in the way we were treated," he said."It's not like we were a bunch of teenagers.
"I remember getting hit from behind and recall being on my stomach and I could feel my panic starting to rise."
Mr Currier is a Justice of the Peace who had worked in youth detention for nearly two decades.
Justice Advocate: An Exclusive Interview with Renee Eaves
Renee Eaves was four months pregnant when Constable Barry John Donnelly entered her home and arrested her on driving offences.
The night that followed was hell: police at the Roma Street Watchhouse denied her medication or a bucket to vomit in, and Donnelly stood by laughing as another arrested person mocked and abused her for being sick in the cell.
Ms Eaves says that prior to the arrest, Donnelly had shown an “unusual interest in her life”.
Between 2002 and 2006, she estimates he had contacted her between 15 and 20 times, often asking about her boyfriend, her business and whether she had become single.
Donnelly entered Ms Eaves home when she was pregnant and arrested her for disqualified driving, an allegation she disputed and was eventually found not guilty of. She went on to take him and the State of Queensland to court for false imprisonment – making history as the first person to do this without the aid of a lawyer, and win.
Since then, Ms Eaves has become a vocal advocate for police reform in Queensland, a board member on the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, and was nominated for an Australian Human Rights award for raising awareness about issues surrounding excessive force, accountability and transparency.
Sydney Criminal Lawyers sat down with Ms Eaves to talk about her experiences, thoughts on the state of policing in Queensland, and her hopes for reform.
Q. Could you describe the circumstances of your arrest, how did it affect you?
So the officer [Donnelly] had already pulled me over numerous times, and he was appalling in the way he presented. I had a number of interactions with him that went really badly.
Everybody has that thing when they’re pulled up by a police officer, it’s either “Yes sir, no sir, I’m so sorry sir, please forgive me sir” or “Yeah fair enough, can I just have the ticket.” You’re answering to the law, you’re accountable to the law, you’re not answering to that individual police officer. I think it becomes a problem when the police officer thinks that you’re answering to them personally. You’re not. You owe them the same courtesy you owe every fellow human being. No more, no less.
Because I wasn’t sorry to him, in particular, an incident where I was a passenger in a friend’s vehicle, and was being fined for a ‘not properly adjusted seatbelt’ (it was twisted) not giving him the answers that he wanted to hear, it was escalating. I just refused to sit there and smile at the crocodile any longer for these absurd traffic stops, or beg for mercy. Call it ego or pride, I don’t know, I just had to draw the line and tell him to stop, and that he was out of line.
I tried to take out a restraining order against him, I went to the CMC [Crime and Misconduct Commission], Ethical Standards, I went to every single department that was available. However, back then smart phones weren’t around, so collecting evidence wasn’t quite as simple as just grabbing your phone and pressing record, and often the complaints came down to my word against his. At the time, I felt well and truly helpless.
It finally escalated to a point where he came into my home, handcuffed me and took me to the Watchhouse. His claim was I had been driving on a suspended licence. I was pregnant at the time and was treated appallingly. I wasn’t given water or medication or anything that I required. It was just ridiculous, I had no criminal record, there was absolutely no reason for the arrest, no reason to be paraded a block away vomiting in handcuffs, and it turned my entire pregnancy into a nightmare – eventually my son was born two months prematurely.
I was eventually successful in court with regard to the alleged driving offence, so I commenced civil action against this officer for wrongful arrest, assault and deprivation of liberty
Q. You made history in that case, being the first person to self-represent in a case against the Queensland police and win. What made you decide to do that?
A few weeks before going to trial, my lawyers wrote to me and said “it’s just not commercially viable, that the case had been dragged out for so long that even if you win you’re not even going to cover our fees” and I was absolutely hammered. I just couldn’t accept that this officer could abuse his power like this and get away with it. I wasn’t going to surrender, and decided that I’d run the matter myself.
For the next few weeks, I went and sat in on various cases. I sat in on fights over wills, trials over assaults, and all different types cases just learning and getting a feel for the courtroom. Then I just sat on my living room floor and compiled my case.
My civil matter ran for an entire week, and the QPS [Queensland Police Service] fought very fiercely. Every day I felt bruised and belittled, and almost re-assaulted. I remember coming home on the fourth day and falling asleep in the foetal position on the shower floor. I woke up at 2 o’clock in the morning with the cold water running on me.
I think it’s in those low ebbs, those moments of despair, that we discover our true strength. I just got myself up, put my suit back on that was crumbled on the floor, and prepared for the next day at court.
During all my encounters with this policeman, he was in a position of power. He had the handcuffs, he had the pepper spray, and in court he had the barristers and an unlimited cheque book.
Little did I know that with the cards stacked in his favour again, I’d successfully cross-examine this officer, and that when push finally came to shove the judge would see through his smirking, through the play on words, and ordered in my favour.
I won compensatory, aggravated and exemplary damages. The hearing symbolically ended on my sons 4th birthday; and I walked up to him and told him that I forgive him. Happy people don’t do what he did. I did not want to carry the burden of hate. This case instigated a lot of growth in me as a person.
Q. How did you find that process, teaching yourself law and compiling your case? Most people would typically have given up after their lawyers told them their case was unwinnable.
It was really difficult. Like most people I used to be full of lawyer jokes, but now I know why they charge what they do.
People often call me wanting advice on doing something similar, part of me wants to encourage them and say “Yes, stand up for your rights, give it a go” but the other part of me doesn’t want to make it sound easy. You can’t just get your pencil and paper, go to court, and expect the judge to see the truth, it’s not as simple as that.
The police are often 100 steps ahead, their people do this every day. They will sit in court and tell bare faced lies. I don’t think the average Australian realises what they’re actually up against because most of us like to believe that doesn’t happen. Finding a great lawyer that has the passion for the topic is a good start if you can afford it.
Q. Since the trial you’ve been really active as a justice advocate in Queensland. Have you had any other victories or high points?
Being invited to join the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties was definitely a high point, I’ve always followed them, and they align with my values. When they called me to join I was really quite honoured. I enjoy the meetings being surrounded by likeminded people.
Being able to support a police officer [Rick Fiori] against his superiors has definitely been a high point. Because I’ve never been anti police. I’m anti brutality. There was a video that came out of Gold Coast – police bashing an innocent guy, and I’ve been there as court support for the officer that was charged with giving this footage to the media.
With a lot of cases you just have to push and push, and along the way you cop a lot of knocks. Every time something finally leans to the people that are being courageous, it’s a high point, it gives you a second wind and a bit more energy to keep going.
I guess the best thing now is that I already know what they’re up to, whereas someone coming in fresh and green might not. I’m someone that’s got the benefit of hindsight, that’s been there and done that, and have supported other victims emotionally because it takes a big toll, and I of course know first-hand how it feels.
Q. I’m glad you brought up the video. What do you see as the general state of policing in Queensland at the moment? With all the recent videos and assaults they seem a bit out of control.
The problem I see is you have police investigating police. The Crime and Corruption Commission investigate under 3 per cent of complaints, and refer almost all of the rest back to the Ethical Standards Command [run by police]. It doesn’t matter where you go, say you go to the Attorney General, she could refer you to the Police Minister, and the Police Minister will refer you to Ethical Standards. It does not matter which avenue you go down, you end up being referred back to Ethical Standards, who are police.
It’s like everyone’s related, everyone’s a cousin. There’s absolutely no external body, and this makes it a rife breeding ground for potential corruption.
At the moment, the Crime and Corruption Commission are putting-out a call for public comment on legislation that will silence allegations of corruption until they are substantiated. So what does that look like? You’ve got the 3 per cent of complaints they investigate, and the other 97 per cent that have been referred back to police. What they’re trying to do is shut people up and I think that is dangerous.
Q. Do you think there’s a chance for reform in Queensland, or do you think that culture is too deeply ingrained?
The way it stands at the moment, with police policing themselves, there is no incentive for them to make a decision to change that. Why would they do that to themselves?
Everything is leaning their way, to them it’s not broken, why fix it? We absolutely need an independent person or organisation to come in and address what’s really going on. It takes the same energy to cover things up as it does to fix it. But you are dealing with a very deep culture. For us to have a chance at change we need a truly independent body. I am forever optimistic though.
Q. That’s a pretty horrible reality. On a brighter note, I was hoping to get an idea of your plans for advocacy in the future?
Sure. Well I get a lot of requests from Sydney and Melbourne, so one day when the time is right and if its offered, I wouldn’t mind coming to Sydney – I’m definitely open to any offers.
What I would love to do is join the panel on studio 10 and discuss all topics. Women’s issues particularly! That’s my dream position right now.
I’ve also put my experience down in a book that I keep extending, and need to find a publisher to push that along too. The story has also been turned into a script for a film, the scriptwriter that penned Lindy Chamberlain’s story has done a great job of the script. He was perfect due to his experience with Lindy’s story, so I’m hoping a film will get the message out and paint a really clear picture of what’s going on here.
The most unfortunate part I guess is the things I most want to talk about have suppression orders or confidentiality agreements on them, and I personally think there’s too much of that going on.
For a Government that’s constantly talking about how transparent and accountable they are, I would seriously question that transparency when it comes to the QPS. It has not been my personal experience that accountability or transparency has been a priority to them.
But no one can say I didn’t give it a strong nudge right?
1 comment:
People need to ignore Australia's illegal gun laws and fight back. Violence is all Africans understand, much like their primate counterparts.
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