A self-inflating stunt by a white black man
Aborigines are black. Does the guy below look black to you? He is a white man but under Australia's crazy rules he is allowed to call himself Aboriginal or indigenous if he has any trace of Aboriginal ancestry that he knows about.
So he did something no black Aborigine would do. Aborigines are quiet, shy, camplaisant people most of the time. Publically insulting two old ladies over their private conversation would not remotely be on their agenda. But this guy did it -- enabling him to portray himself as a battler against racism -- and he got the applause that often flows from that.
But, as I see it, the whole thing was just an ego boost for himself. He is basically one of that sad band of insecure people who create so much nuisance: An attention seeker. He or someone with him deliberately photographed and circulated the docket given to the ladies. How is that NOT publicity hunger?
And we have no assurance that the ladies were in any way racist. The only quotation from them given is the word "assimilation". But assimilation into white society does occur and is usually beneficial.
Respect for his intellectual acuity is not aided by his use of English. He says that the conversation he criticized was "less than distasteful ". So it was tasteful? Very confused
AN INDIGENOUS man has come up with the perfect response to racism.
Perth man Jarred Wall was having lunch with a friend in Fremantle when he heard two elderly ladies talking about Aboriginal people.
“The conversation was less than distasteful with words like assimilation being thrown around willy nilly,” he wrote in a Facebook post. “I could have unleashed a tirade of abuse but that wouldn’t have helped.”
Instead, he decided to buy them a pot of tea — leaving a handwritten note on the receipt that said: “Enjoy the tea! Compliments of the 2 Aboriginals sitting next to you on table 26.”
“Maybe these ladies will be a little wiser and think before they speak,” he wrote in the post, adding the hashtags #blacklivesmatter and #englishbreakfasttea.
“Hopefully there won’t be a next time!”
Mr Wall and his friend were having lunch when they overheard two ladies making racist remarks.
Mr Wall and his friend were having lunch when they overheard two ladies making racist remarks.Source:Facebook
The post was shared on Facebook, attracting more than 13,000 reactions, 1500 shares and 1200 comments, the overwhelming majority of which have been positive.
“Being kind often does help. It sometimes shames people into looking at their behaviour. It makes them feel guilty for being d*ckheads,” one user wrote.
“If I was there I would have given you a standing ovation with lots of clapping and cheering,” wrote another. “Hope the ladies have learned some serious lessons from this incident because in this time and age there is no room at all for these kind of remarks.”
His mother, Trish Hill Wall, wrote: “I’m so proud my son that you rose above the hurtful rants of others. Kindness goes a long way, and you all walked away after with your heads held high.”
Climate Cargo Cult Circles the Pacific
By Viv Forbes
The World Economic Forum in 2015 had a prophetic vision that unless the world mends its wicked ways “global warming will become catastrophic and irreversible”.
In July 2016 the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, claimed that global warming was as dangerous to the world as Islamic terrorism.
At the recent G20 summit in China, the world leader of the Global Warming Religion, Ban Ki-moon, canonised two new cardinals -- Cardinal Obama (who seeks political sainthood in his afterlife), and Cardinal Xi Jinping (who seeks to crucify western industry on the climate cross). Both signed the Paris Pledge.
Then at the ASEAN Economic Forum, ordained Minister Turnbull of Australia joined worshippers to pray for a saviour from Global Warming.
Global warming to hit Asia hardest -- “Hundreds of millions of people are likely to lose their homes as flooding, famine and rising sea levels sweep the region.”
Finally, at the Pacific Island Forum in Vanuatu last week, the Global Warming service commenced with a rousing rendition of the hymn “Repent and Pay, or the Seas will Devour Us”.
As a sign of his devotion, Australia’s Global Warming Minister Turnbull dropped a cool $80M into the Global Warming Collection Plate. Islanders who truly believe will now receive total donations of A$300M from the pious Australian government.
John Kerry was right -- this new Global Warming religion is spreading faster than radical Islam. It is the new Cargo Cult.
Turnbull Government to boost powers of child care ‘compliance cops’
The Turnbull Government will this week introduce a raft of new compliance measures to crackdown on child care service fraud and abuses.
Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said the Turnbull Government will this week introduce strengthened compliance and integrity measures in a "win-win" to protect both children and taxpayers.
Minister Birmingham said the Turnbull Government would bring forward powers for the compulsory reporting of specified action, including police action, against staff members as well as ensuring subsidy claims are not being made for care provided by parents, siblings or in the case of Family Day Care in a child's home or that is solely transport.
"This is a win-win for families and taxpayers," Minister Birmingham said.
"This tough stance is necessary as families rightly expect that not only do child care staff have rigorous checks and balances but that their taxpayer dollars are directed to those operators doing the right thing and delivering high quality, flexible and affordable child care to families, not to ‘shonky’ providers offering sub-standard or illusionary services.
"If a staff member or operator is charged or convicted of a serious crime then the Government should know and Australian families would expect us to come down very hard on any service that protects that individual and suspend or cancel any payments they are receiving should there be any concerns regarding the protection of children and of scarce taxpayer dollars.
"This week we will explicitly spell out that Family Day Care must not be provided in a child's home, a residence where their parent is present or even in the back of the car. Additional measures will stipulate that taxpayer dollars will also not be paid to Family Day Care or In Home Care being provided by children's parents, by one of their siblings or if there is no proof of a family being charged a commercial rate.
"These new measures will ensure there are much tighter controls on who cares for our children – it is not good enough that existing rules have been able to be ‘worked around’ and these measures will put a stop to it in the interests of child safety and the protection of taxpayers."
Minister Birmingham said these new integrity measures would save $27 million a year and comes on the back of new figures that show in the past financial year the Turnbull Government’s compliance crackdown had prevented $421 million – or more than $8 million a week – being paid to dodgy child care providers.
"The Turnbull Government has taken strong and decisive action against these shonks, including correcting a child swapping loophole that allowed family day care service educators to receive a child care payment for their own children while claiming to be looking after other peoples’ children," Minister Birmingham said.
"Acting on these integrity measures, our compliance cops have ensured that $421 million did not go out the door to subsidise child swapping practices, to people claiming to care for their neighbour's children, while their neighbour claims to care for their child. Our new measures, saving a further $27 million, are a logical extension to the protections we put in place last year.
"We want to ensure every taxpayer dollar spent on child care supports families to genuinely balance their work obligations and children to access early learning, rather than being rorted by those more interested in lining their own pockets.
"Our priority is to provide assistance that helps families and that is why the Turnbull Government’s child care reforms include more than $3 billion in additional funding to give nearly one million families more affordable, accessible and fairer child care. We have introduced legislation to implement these reforms, which will come into place as soon as possible following support for the savings measures needed to pay for them."
Minister Birmingham said he had written to state and territory Ministers urging them to do more to ensure child care centres are compliant and these latest measures add another "check and balance" to protect Australian families and taxpayers.
"Perpetrators of fraud are on notice: you will be caught and there are severe consequences, including the possibility of jail time," Minister Birmingham said.
Minister Birmingham said these compliance measures were in addition to unprecedented compliance powers included in the Turnbull Government's child care package currently before the parliament.
Press release
Classic bureaucratic buck-passing
A FRUSTRATED Sydney family has been battling bureaucracy to take action to remove a car that has been parked across its driveway for seven days.
Despite calling police and the Inner West Council to complain, the Holden Astra has prevented the Gulabovski family from driving into their property on Sutherland St, St Peters, since last Thursday night.
While police officers and council rangers visited Katrina Gulabovski’s home, she told the Inner West Courier they could not agree who had responsibility for getting the silver soft top out of the way.
"The police and council were buck passing this issue while all we wanted was to get the car out of the way," she said. "I spoke to the police from Newtown and they said it was the council’s job to get the car moved. Then I rang the council and they said they couldn't move it, it was a police responsibility. "Six days later and the car is still here. "It’s ridiculous and frustrating.
"I’m a single mum with three kids and an elderly mother who needs regular medical visits."
An exasperated Ms Gulabovski said her household has three cars — she has two adult children — that have been unable to get into their own driveway. "We’ve all had to find spots on the street for the past week, and they’re not easy to find. "We were worried about getting parking fines because most of the streets around here have a two-hour limit.
"There should be a streamlined process between the police and the council so that the car is moved straight away, not seven days later."
Ms Gulabovski suggests the car’s owner might have parked in Sutherland St and then caught a taxi to Sydney Airport, which is only a few minutes away by road. "People catching planes park around here all the time to save money on parking at the airport."
Newtown Police duty officer Andrew Garner conformed Ms Gulabovski called police and that officers immediately notified the council. Inspector Garner said police also issued a parking fine and attempted to contact the vehicle’s owner. The fine for parking across a driveway, unless the car is dropping off or picking up passengers, is $108.
"As soon as police were notified we contacted the council so it could make arrangements to move the car," Inspector Garner said.
But is was not until Tuesday, September 7, before council officers stuck a notice on the car’s windscreen, advising its owner that it would tow the vehicle away and would bill the owner for the job.
Under the NSW Impounding Act a vehicle may be impounded immediately, without having to notify its owner, if the vehicle is in a public place and it is causing an obstruction to traffic.
At 7.30am on Wednesday a tow truck driver contracted by council arrived to move the car. But the vehicle could not be moved because it had a flat tyre. As of Wednesday afternoon, Ms Gulabovski was still waiting on another tow truck to arrive.
When asked to clarify which organisation had responsibility for moving the car, the council did not improve Ms Gulabovski’s understanding of the situation. "Responsibility depends on the individual circumstances," a council spokeswoman told The Inner West Courier. "Both police and council do have certain responsibilities in a situation like this under the Roads Act. "It is partly dependent on whether the car is ‘abandoned’ or not."
The vehicle has now been removed
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here
1 comment:
Him cheeky fella that white fella. He think he black fella. He talkum gammon talk. He got willy-willy in the head.
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