Apex crime gang declared a 'non-entity' by Victoria Police
So all the people who reported being robbed and assaulted by Africans were colour-blind? Give us a break! Victoria police are notorious for cover-ups so the report below should be taken with a shaker full of salt. But you can to some extent read between the lines. Take this neat little utterance:
"Predominantly, a large cohort of that gang was in fact Australian-born offenders," Deputy Commissioner Patton said
Maybe they were. But who were their parents? Africans?
In any case, the problem is African crime, not one particular gang. And African crime is huge in Melbourne, as it is wherever there are Africans
Victoria Police have declared the Apex crime gang a "non-entity" saying it is no longer and never was predominantly African.
Giving evidence to a Parliamentary Inquiry into Migrant Settlement Outcomes, Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton said at its peak the gang consisted of about 130 people who loosely claimed to be members.
He said it was now in recession and was not made up of one or two ethnicities, but from people from a range of backgrounds. "Predominantly, a large cohort of that gang was in fact Australian-born offenders," Deputy Commissioner Patton said
Police said they now believed they had "broken the back" of the gang. "We have charged the leaders of that gang and imprisoned them," he said. "We would call them a non-entity in terms of a gang."
The spectre of Apex came to prominence at the Moomba riots in 2016, when youths ran amok in the CBD and thrust the idea of migrant crime to the forefront.
In its first incarnation, the gang was named after a Dandenong Street and was made up of South Sudanese and Pacific Islanders.
The inquiry is being chaired by Liberal MP, and former police officer, Jason Wood who has been outspoken about the so-called threat of Apex and migrant crime gangs in Melbourne and called for the Federal Government to crack down.
However, the inquiry heard after the Moomba riots it morphed into an all encompassing group loosely linked through social media.
Deputy Commissioner Patton said the carjackings, home invasions and jewellery store robberies that have plagued Melbourne are being carried out by criminals from all backgrounds. "Over 50 per cent of them are Australians," he repeated when questioned by Mr Wood.
Commander of Victoria Police's anti-gangs division, Peter De Santo, said there may be "some remnants" of the Apex gang but they have morphed into "networked offending" linked by social media.
He added that Middle Eastern crime gangs had recruited some "disadvantaged youth" but it was the exception to the rule.
University of Sydney investigates tutor’s racial attack on a News Corp reporter
The name Tharappel is mainly from the Southern Indian State of Kerala, India's most Leftist state. About a quarter of the population of Kerala is Muslim. In Kerala they speak Malayalam, not Hindi so Tharappel is himself from an Indian minority
Whether or not Syrian president Bashar al-Assad ordered a chemical attack is having repercussions in Australian academia and media. The University of Sydney is investigating a casual tutor, Jay Tharappel, who launched a racial attack on a News Corp reporter to defend his mentor, pro-Assad lecturer Tim Anderson.
Anderson is a routine defender of the Bashar al-Assad government, and has dismissed any suggestion it was responsible for the recent chemical attack on civilians in rebel-held territory.
The academic said allegations the Syrian government was responsible were a “hoax”, and that Assad has been framed by the west. He has visited Syria numerous times during the war, and met Assad in 2013, describing him as a “mild-mannered eye doctor”.
In an interview with state-run television posted online last year, Anderson praised “martyrs who died defending their beautiful country” in the bloody six-year war.
News Corp published a series of articles critical of Anderson this week. That prompted Tharappel, to attack a News Corp reporter, Kylar Loussikian, on social media.
“Devastating intellectual critique by Kylar Loussikian, the traitorous scum who desperately wants a second Armenian genocide. How much did they pay you, traitor? I guess stabbing Syria in the back with that surname is the best way of telling the world that you’re for sale, right?”
Loussikian is of Armenian descent.
The university confirmed on Wednesday that it was investigating the comments. “The University of Sydney has commenced an investigation into the behaviour of a casual staff member who is alleged to have made offensive comments to a journalist on social media,” a spokeswoman said.
“The university takes the allegations very seriously and is examining whether any breaches of its code of conduct have occurred.”
The code of conduct requires staff to act “fairly and reasonably” and treat people with respect and sensitivity. The spokeswoman said the university did not endorse Anderson’s pro-Assad views, but was committed to the “expression and protection of free speech”. “This means tolerance of a wide range of views, even when the views expressed are unpopular or controversial,” she said.
Tharappel was contacted for comment on Wednesday, but did not respond.
He posted on Facebook thanking people for their “overwhelming” support. “People ask me if I have been receiving threats. No, I’ve actually received nothing but love and support,” Tharappel wrote.
A new shriek from an old shrieker
Prof. Lowe has long been a critic of Australia and a proclaimer of climate doom but has shown no prophetic skill. An amusing thing about him is that he was taken in by the Chief Seattle hoax, a speech really written by Ted Perry for a film script. That shows you how careful he is with checking the facts. He is a pseudo-scientist. His statement that opening one more coal mine will “effectively guarantee the frying of the planet” shows you how loony he is
UNLESS the Australian government fully embraces renewable energy and moves to decarbonise our energy supply in line with the Paris Climate Agreement, parts of Australia like Bourke and Alice Springs will become unlivable in our lifetime.
That’s the warning from the highly decorated Professor Emeritus of the School of Science at Griffith University, and former president of the Australian Conservation Foundation, Professor Ian Lowe.
As public debate rages over the potential opening of the Adani coal mine in Carmichael, Queensland, Prof Lowe believes the government’s dedication to fossil fuels is taking the country in a troubling direction.
Speaking to news.com.au he worried that the government’s intention to not only open up the controversial Carmichael coal mine but also open up the Galilee basin will “effectively guarantee the frying of the planet”.
“If we continue to expand fossil fuels — which is what things like opening up the Galilee Basin means — by 2050 the average global temperature will be at least two degrees more,” he said.
Under such a scenario, he expects parts of inland Australia to see average temperature rises that would make them virtually unlivable by the second half of the century.
“It’s difficult to imagine how life will continue in places like Alice Springs and Bourke under that sort of regime.”
In the coming decades, he believes countries including Australia who are not doing enough to combat global warming will receive backlash from the international community. “I think there’ll be increasing international pressure for Australia to get into line,” he said.
“I think there will be political and trade sanctions on countries that are not seen to be pulling their weight.”
Malcolm Turnbull’s Coalition government is backing the Adani coal mine, claiming it will provide 10,000 jobs for the state of Queensland. However other reports put that number as low as 1,464.
Union leaders and regional mayors in Queensland as well as the Labor state government have also thrown their support behind the project, despite federal opposition leader Bill Shorten’s opposition to it.
Australia’s jobs report for March smashed expectations
According to the ABS, employment increased by a massive 60,900 in seasonally adjusted terms, easily surpassing the 20,000 increase expected by economists.
February’s decline, previously reported as a drop of 6,400, was also revised higher to show an increase of 2,800.
The lift in employment was the largest since September 2015, and the sixth consecutive month with an increase.
The ABS said that an increase in employment was observed across the survey’s eight sample groups, including the incoming rotation group. Total employment now stands at 12.06 million, the highest level on record.
From a year earlier, employment grew by 146,000, or 1.22%, the fastest percentage increase since September last year.
Over that period, full-time employment increased by 67,800, or 0.8%, marking the first time since August 2016 that it rose from a year earlier. Part-time employment grew by 78,100, or 2.1%, the slowest increase since March 2015.
Making the headline jobs figure all the more stronger, and perhaps stirring up renewed scepticism about the ABS’ seasonally adjusted data, it said that full-time employment surged by 74,500 over the month, offsetting a 13,600 drop in part-time workers.
Females accounted for the vast bulk of the lift in full-time employment recorded, soaring by 48,200. It was the largest increase since January 2009.
Male full-time employment rose by a smaller 26,300, marking the strongest monthly gain since October last year.
Female part-time employment fell by 12,800, while that among males dropped by a smaller 800 workers.
Fitting with the surge in hiring recorded, total monthly hours worked increased by 3.2 million hours to 1.66642 billion hours.
Despite the mammoth increase in employment, the unemployment rate held steady at 5.9% courtesy of a lift in labour market participation which rose to 64.8% from 64.6%.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here
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