A really poisonous example of political correctness
An Egyptian con-artist achieved enormous acceptance because everyone WANTED to believe in a female Egyptian of probably Muslim origin. "Affirmative action" towards her meant believing everything she said and checking nothing
It's the redemption story that everyone wanted to believe: a teenager forced into an arranged marriage to her first cousin, widowed at 29 with two young sons, having endured years in a violent marriage.
She emigrates from Egypt, gaining not one but two PhDs, rising to become chief executive of government funded health services that care for new migrants and earns a long list of community honours – including as a finalist for an honour from her adopted country on its national day.
Dr Eman Sharobeem migrated to Australia more than 30 years ago. Since then she has earned two PhDs and campaigned against issues such as forced marriage and family violence.
But with an announcement this week that ICAC will hold public hearings into former Australian of the Year finalist Eman Sharobeem, following an investigation by Fairfax Media that revealed an asset freeze by the powerful NSW Crime Commission, the charade has come crashing down – allegations of misuse of credit cards, false invoices, spending on personal items, using public money to renovate a property she owned.
On top of the alleged fraud ICAC is investigating is the outright deceit, also revealed by Fairfax Media, that Sharobeem paraded fake academic and professional qualifications.
Now a string of high-profile organisations and governments have egg on their faces – state and federal, Liberal and Labor, that appointed her to trophy boards; organisations such as SBS that gave her a high-profile job; and the Australian of the Year Foundation that not only waved her through to the final round of its awards but appointed her to their advisory council.
What's more, they all called her "Dr Sharobeem" – despite there being no proof of the degrees and evidence revealed by Fairfax Media that she was not a psychologist.
The high point of the charade came in late 2014, when then NSW Premier, Mike Baird, stood beside an Australian of the Year finalist, handing her a commendation from her adopted country, smiling for the cameras.
It begs the question – who did due diligence on Eman Sharobeem? Who checked anything about her?
As her star rose around 2012-14 it doesn't appear to have been the media who focused on the story of her forced marriage as a child and escape from a violent marriage and her claims of academic achievement in Australia.
Fairfax Media understands workers at the Non-English Speaking Housing organisation (also run by Sharobeem) raised concerns about financial mismanagement around 2015. And it was the auditor of the Immigrant Women's Health Service accounts Nathan Boyd who rang alarm bells when he qualified his opinion on the organisation's 2015 accounts, saying the CEO owed at least $100,000 in wrongly claimed reimbursements, as revealed by Fairfax Media.
So how did Sharobeem seemingly hoodwink everyone?
Sharobeem ran the IWHS based in Fairfield for 11 years until 2015. Government funding was cut at the end of that year with a governance investigation acknowledged by the health department as the centre was about to close in June 2016.
It was around this time broadcaster SBS hired Sharobeem to be its community engagement manager. It's understood SBS went through a regular recruitment process to hire her. A press release hailing her appointment in April 2016 used the honorific Dr in the opening sentence. Almost every achievement SBS heralded is now under question: "Eman is a Member of the Settlement Services Advisory Council, Justice Multicultural Advisory Council, State Library CALD Advisory Board and an Advisory Board Member of Multicultural NSW. In 2014, Eman was honoured as an Australia Day Ambassador and became a finalist for The Australian of The Year Award. In 2013, she was a finalist in the Premier's Woman of the Year Award and was selected as one of 100 Most Influential Women in 2015 by The Australian Financial Review."
Perhaps the most revealing tale surrounding background checks can be gleaned from Social Services Minister Christian Porter appointing her to the Settlement Services Advisory Council. When Fairfax Media inquired last month about the circumstances surrounding her appointment, a department spokeswoman said the department performed "due diligence", including on a "resume from Dr Eman Sharobeem identifying her educational background, including the attainment of a PhD in psychology, family and community and a PhD in management in organisational leadership".
But having confirmed details from the CV she submitted claiming to have two PhDs, the spokeswoman suddenly claimed it would be a breach of privacy to disclose further information from the same CV when asked which institutions she claimed to have attended.
Fairfax Media was able to challenge her claim to be a psychologist in one phone call – to the Australian Health Professional Regulatory Agency. A search of their database revealed nobody named Eman Sharobeem was currently registered or had been removed as a psychologist. It's illegal to practise as a psychologist if unqualified.
Our politicians also wanted to believe. In 2014, the Upper House of the NSW Parliament moved a motion of congratulations to Sharobeem, listing in full glory what it understood to be her achievements. It makes for tough reading.
She is lauded for her professional roles and the subsequent awards she achieved.
The parliamentary motion mentions "Dr" Sharobeem's "greatest contributions in Australia" being her involvement in the Immigrant Women's Health Service.
Our elected officials praised her for working with volunteer and part time workers at the health service – the same one she is now alleged to have defrauded, claiming bogus expenses and spending government money on a house she owned.
Parliament members moved to wish "Dr Eman Sharobeem all the very best in her future endeavours".
In truth, ICAC wants to know if she robbed us blind.
The story that we all wanted to be true was, in fact, something else: it was too good to be true.
SOURCE. Latest report on the ICAC enquiry here
Hundreds of students unite in protest after a Sydney school bans hot chips from the canteen
This is not only authoritaran, it is also stupid and outdated. The potato is highly nutritious and fat is now officially recommended as good for you
The decision to remove a staple ingredient from a Sydney school menu has been met with strong resistance from its enraged pupils.
De La Salle College has decided to remove hot chips from its kitchen as the college looks to adhere to the government's new plans for a healthier lunch menu.
The students of the Revesby institute have taken matters into their own hands and started an online petition in an attempt to reinstate the popular potato snack.
The petition pleads for the public's support and suggests that hot chips can make a contribution to their academic success.
'To satisfy everyone's desire for some fried potato, we believe this is a necessity for successful academic achievements to get above the state cohort,' the petition reads.
Since the page was created two months ago, it has amassed an impressive 360 signatures, just 140 short of their target of 500.
De La Salle College principal Timothy Logue said that while he was impressed with the students' initiative to set up an online petition, the school canteen would not be returning hot chips to the menu.
'We have discussed with the students the importance of nutrition and physical activity, and how research shows that it underpins effective student learning and achievement,' Mr Logue told The Daily Telegraph.
The new strategy, enforced by NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, will replace the failed 'traffic light' system and will ensure that 75% of all school menus are made up of fruit, vegetables and fresh food options, leaving little room for the oil fried fritters.
'The new NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy strikes the right balance between nutrition and freedom of choice,' Mr Logue said. 'Our canteen menu offers students very healthy options like fresh fruit salad bowls, salad wraps and sushi.'
One signature from Kalli Ryder in Adelaide went with a pragmatic approach and suggested instead of removing them altogether, to rethink how they were served.
'Rather than ban chips, you could have looked at 'healthier' ways of preparing them, such as baking, shallow frying, making them from potatoes instead of a packet.
'You could have consulted with the students on a new menu, instead, you have chosen to food police your students. Shame on you.' she added.
Happy happy Africa -- in Melbourne again
A family has told of their horror waking up to find a gang of six Sudanese intruders wielding wooden stakes inside their bedroom as their young daughter slept nearby.
The teen bandits burst into the Melbourne home in Melton on Monday night demanding phones, wallets, and keys to the young father's new Holden.
The thugs then fled the scene in the car and gave chase from police before crashing into a fence 30km away and fleeing on foot, reports Yahoo Seven.
'They kept banging the sticks on the bed too so they were just making a lot of noise and it was just really scary... It was just like a nightmare,' said the mother, who was not named.
One armed teen approached their five-year-old daughter's bedroom, before another said: 'Leave her alone, she's only a kid'.
'It kind of makes you feel unsafe in your own backyard when people who are doing wrong are getting a slap on their wrist and see you later,' said the young father.
Police arrested three teenagers at the scene of the crash, but the other three escaped.
A 14-year-old and a 15-year-old from were arrested face a raft of charges including assault with a weapon. They were both on bail at the time. An 18 year old was released pending charges.
Former PM John Howard says Australia's greatest immediate policy challenge was barely mentioned in the federal budget - the looming energy crisis
FORMER PM John Howard says Australia's greatest immediate policy challenge was barely mentioned in the federal budget - the looming energy crisis.
Speaking at a post-budget business breakfast with former New Zealand PM John Key, Mr Howard described the risk of supply and price rises as scandalous given Australia natural endowments of energy sources.
The nation had 38 per cent of the world's easily recoverable uranium reserves, hundreds of years of coal reserves, was a major natural gas producer and could also produce plenty of solar and wind power, he said.
"That we should be facing a potential energy crisis in the eastern states is a serious condemnation of the political process," he said.
"That gas exploration has been hampered, narrowed, redirected and prohibited by some state governments is a policy scandal of the first order."
He also claimed state governments had overzealously embraced renewable energy targets, leading to a massive increase in costs.
"When my government was defeated in 2007, the renewable energy target was two per cent and it should never have been increased?" he said.
Some major energy users have shut some operations as a result, such as Rio Tinto, while others are threatening to do so, such as Glencore coal boss Peter Freyberg in comments this week.
Mr Howard said Australia was extremely fortunate economically and was approaching a world record of consecutive quarters of growth, but was getting to the "brake linings" and falling behind competitors.
A Senate that was more diverse than in his time made the crucial economic reform needed more difficult to pass, he said.
Police officer ‘disciplined’ for sharing address of domestic violence victim
A QUEENSLAND cop who used the official police database to share a Gold Coast mum’s home address with her former husband who was bound by a restraining order – and then joked about it – has avoided the sack.
Almost nine months after The Courier-Mail revealed the shocking allegations, an internal affairs police investigation has determined Brisbane Senior Constable Neil Punchard should receive “disciplinary sanctions”, but it is understood he was not suspended.
The terrified woman, who has been forced to move house, said she was disgusted by the decision and has now appealed to the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee to review the case. She has also sought an urgent meeting with State MP Shannon Fentiman, the Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence.
The Ethical Standards Command investigation ruled that the allegations against Sen-Constable Punchard were substantiated and imposed “disciplinary sanctions”, but in a statement refused to tell The Courier-Mail what those sanctions were.
After learning the woman’s address, Sen-Constable Punchard joked with his mate via text message about how she would “flip out” when she discovered she had been tracked down.
It comes just a week after another police officer, caught using the QPRIME database to look up netball star Laura Geitz out of curiosity, pleaded guilty to computer hacking charges and was fined $4000.
The Gold Coast mother-of-three whose file was accessed by Sen-Constable Punchard said it beggared belief that the two officers received such vastly different punishments.
“How is it that an officer can look up a netball player and get criminally charged and another who has completely betrayed my trust is not subjected to further investigation?” she said.
“He should be facing criminal charges. “I feel like the safety of myself and my family is now at risk.”
Ms Fentiman said no one deserved to have their privacy and safety threatened. “Any breach of trust by someone tasked with protecting domestic violence victims is completely unacceptable,” she said.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here
1 comment:
Africans are vermin and should be managed like vermin.
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