Chief Scientist Dr Finkel accidentally exposes the lie of Australia’s climate policies that are de-industrialising Australia

W.A. Premier Mark McGowan has slashed his skilled migration list
An interesting move from an ALP man. Pauline was a big issue in the recent State election. Sounds like he is protecting himself from her issues
THE State Government has released an updated version of the WA skilled migration list, slashing it to just 18 eligible occupations.
The list, which used to carry 178 occupations including bricklayers, engineers and nurses, was torn up on Labor’s first day of government in March.
Premier Mark McGowan said the 18 occupations on the list were mainly in the health sector where there was a genuine need, including midwives, psychiatrists and several classes of registered nurses.
Mr McGowan said in the current economic climate it did not make sense to give jobs to migrants ahead of West Australians.
"In the current economic climate, it’s more important than ever that we maximise employment opportunities for Western Australians," he said.
"Our policy will ensure that, whenever possible, Western Australians will be given first preference on WA jobs. It doesn’t make sense to fast-track workers from overseas when there are unemployed Western Australians who are capable of doing the work.
"Our economy has changed dramatically since the height of the mining boom and we need to do everything we can to get Western Australians back to work."
Mr McGowan also confirmed the Federal Government agreed to remove Perth as a region from the regional sponsored migration scheme, which provided an additional pathway to obtain a visa to work on WA.
Pauline says autistic kids should be removed from mainstream classes
ONE Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson announced this morning that her party will back the Federal Government’s $18.6 billion school funding package.
But she also said "we need to get rid of" autistic children from mainstream classrooms, arguing teachers had to spend too much time with them at the expense of other students’ education.
She said parents and teachers had raised the issue with her of children with disabilities or autism in mainstream classrooms.
"These kids have a right to an education by all means, but if there’s a number of them these children should actually go into a special classroom, looked after and given that special attention," she said in the Senate this morning.
"Most of the time the teacher spends so much time on them they forget about the child who wants to go ahead in leaps and bounds in their education, but are held back by those.
"It’s no good saying we have to allow these kids to feel good about themselves and we don’t want to upset them and make them feel hurt. "We have to be realistic at times and consider the impact that is having on other children in the classroom. "We need to get rid of those people because you want everyone to feel good about themselves."
She said it was difficult for One Nation to come to the position of supporting the $18.6 billion in extra funding for schools. "I hope this will improve our educational standards if it is addressed in the classroom," Senator Hanson said.
She criticised Labor for not supporting the bill, as the Opposition wants a further $22 billion to match the original Gonski funding proposed by the Gillard Government. "I think it’s a good start, $18.6 billion. That’s a start, why can’t you work with the government with regards to this and then build on that," she said.
"Stop opposing things just because you’re on the opposition. It’s about working together for the future of this nation. I just get so frustrated with the whole lot of you."
Rogue union referred to police
Victorian construction union boss John Setka has threatened to reveal the home addresses of ABCC inspectors, and lobby their local shopping centres and football clubs to ensure their "kids will be ashamed of who their parents are".
Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said last night she would refer the threats against Australian Building and Construction Commission inspectors to police, escalating the battle between the Coalition and the union movement.
As tens of thousands of unionists yesterday staged capital city protests against the Turnbull government, the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union Victorian secretary told a rally that Australia was "built on defying bad laws" and "we can withdraw our labour anytime we like regardless of what the laws of the land say".
Labelling the nation’s leading builders as "corrupt", Mr Setka told 20,000 union protesters in Melbourne the ABCC inspectors were "f..kers trying to take us to court and jail us".
"Let me give a dire warning to the ABCC inspectors: be careful what you do," he said, claiming that many did not have their names on the electoral roll.
"They have got to lead these secret little lives because they are ashamed of what they do," he said. "You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to expose them all.
"We will lobby their neighbourhoods. We will tell them who lives in that house. What he does for a living, or she. We will go to their local football club. We will go to the local shopping centre.
"They will not be able to show their faces anywhere. Their kids will be ashamed of who their parents are when we expose all these ABCC inspectors.
"If they think they are going to walk around and desecrate construction workers, take away our rights, and then ride off into the sunset, and there’s going to be no consequences, well, they’re in for a big surprise."
Addressing the Melbourne rally, Victorian Trades Hall Council secretary Luke Hilakari read out a letter of support for the protesters from Opposition Leader Bill Shorten in which he wrote "it’s time to stand up and fight back".
Declaring the CFMEU to be "out of control", Senator Cash said she would be "referring the matter to police given her concern about the threats to the safety of government staff".
ABCC commissioner Nigel Hadgkiss saidhe would also refer the matter to the "appropriate authorities" as he took the "safety of my staff seriously".
Mr Setka also accused the Australian Federal Police of being a ‘‘political police force" over its unlawful raid on the union’s Canberra offices in 2015, and described its officers as "Turnbull’s henchmen".
Senator Cash said the conduct of Mr Setka and the CFMEU yesterday was "absolutely disgraceful". "The CFMEU think nothing of breaking the law," she said.
"Today they called the federal police ‘henchmen’ and a ‘political police force’. They also directly threatened building inspectors and their families."
She said the CFMEU’s "thuggery and intimidation shows why our building industry reforms are so important".
"Bill Shorten and Labor must stop taking donations and sever ties from these thugs," Senator Cash said.
Master Builders Australia chief executive Denita Wawn said the comments by Mr Setka demonstrated the union’s "brazen thuggery and its utter contempt for our community".
"Attempts to whip up hysteria about the ABCC are one thing; threats against ABCC inspectors and their families are unacceptable, totally out of step with community standards and show why the ABCC is essential and must be maintained," Ms Wawn said.
Plumbers Union Victorian secretary Earl Setches attacked the laying of blackmail charges against Mr Setka and his deputy, Shaun Reardon.
He said the government was using criminal law instead of industrial law in a bid to "take out the trade union leaders to f..k over the unions".
"Now where I come from blackmail means you’re getting f..king money for yourself or you are blackmailing someone for your own needs," Mr Setches said.
"These boys have been charged with that disgusting word blackmail, using industrial relations to fight for their union and their membership.
"It’s a disgrace and it makes me sick in the guts."
Raising the arms of Mr Setka and Mr Reardon as they stood before the crowd, Mr Setches told the assembled media: "Get a photo of this, you f..kers."
Mr Hadgkiss has written to the CFMEU warning that union members faced legal action if they attended yesterday’s protests without the written permission of their employer.
But Mr Setka dismissed the threat, describing Mr Hadgkiss as a "no good for nothing oxygen thief".
Mr Setka attacked the Andrews government over the use of non-union enterprise agreement and the employment of temporary visa workers on Victorian government projects.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here
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