Jim Jefferies EXPOSED by Avi Yemini using hidden camera
Jim Jefferies is an Australian comedian who is very popular in the US and is a rabid lefty and anti-gunner. He has his own talk show and goes out of his way to pander to the left.
So he set his sights on Avi Yemeni, an Australian of Israeli origin who frequently publicizes Muslim abuses. Jefferies aimed to discredit Yemeni. The interview took place before the Christchurch massacre but Jefferies broadcast it after the massacre in an effort to blame Yemeni for the massacre.
Yemeni is an old hand at handling Leftist dishonesty, however, so he made his own hidden recording of the interview. The recording reveals Jefferies making grossly "Islamophobic" statements in an effort at getting Yemeni to agree with them. The recording also shows how Jefferies edited his broadcast by attaching Yemeni's answers to different questions, thus making Yemeni look bad
The broadcast was a total fraud. Leftists NEED lies. Reality suits them so badly.
My budget will drive up worker wages: Josh Frydenberg
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has vowed to "drive wages higher" using new policy measures to be unveiled in the April 2 budget, tackling concerns over sluggish income growth ahead of an election battle with Labor over the cost of living.
Mr Frydenberg told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age the economic statement would give voters financial relief without an increase in taxes, signalling more help for Australian households amid growing talk of further income tax cuts.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten is preparing to use the election campaign, due to be called days after next Tuesday's budget, to target the Coalition over the low growth in wages, which have barely kept pace with inflation for the last three years.
Figures this week from the Reserve Bank showed bonuses, which the government has at times cited as evidence wages are increasing, have only gone to the top three percent of income earners.
Mr Frydenberg said while the budget would focus on delivering essential services, boosting growth and balancing the nation's books, it would also lift pay packets.
"Our budget will include measures in it that will drive wages higher," he said.
"It is going to be a pro-growth agenda and a pro-growth budget and it's going to do that without increasing taxes.
"What you need to do to drive higher wages is more trade, more infrastructure and keep the focus on lower taxes."
The message is crucial to the government's effort to counter Mr Shorten's call for big changes to lift wages, including laws to force an increase in penalty rates and reforms to the workplace relations regime.
A strong jobs market coupled with an improvement in tax revenues from the corporate sector, particular iron ore and coal miners, is expected to give Mr Frydenberg billions of dollars in extra revenue to help pay for personal tax cuts and increase pay packets.
But there are also signs both the national and global economies are slowing. Earlier this month, official figures showed the worst back-to-back gross domestic product growth in 13 years.
Mr Frydenberg said international trade disruption, recent natural disasters and the fall in Sydney and Melbourne's housing market all meant the economy had softened since the mid-year budget update in December.
Markets and economists increasingly believe the Reserve Bank will have to cut interest rates twice this year to deal with the softening economy. Jobs figures this week pointed to a slowdown in full-time job creation despite the unemployment rate hitting an eight year low of 4.9 per cent.
The total number of Australians in work in February rose by just 4600. Markets had been expecting a 15,000 increase.
Mr Frydenberg said Treasury "had concerns about lower house prices spilling over into building approvals and softer household consumption". Household consumption makes up nearly 60 percent of GDP.
In preparing the ground for softer than expected budget forecasts, he noted dwelling investment had detracted 0.2 per cent from the growth in the December quarter, the drought had caused farm GDP fall by 5.8 per cent and the impact of the Queensland floods is still yet to fully flow through the numbers.
"This is all manageable but only with a strong economic plan that gives business confidence to invest and consumers the confidence to spend and it will require a pro-growth agenda which is exactly what you will see in this budget," he said.
Mr Frydenberg would not be drawn on whether he would stick by the government's own policy to bank all extra revenue generated by the economy and offset all new spending with reductions elsewhere in the budget, or whether he would prioritise tax cuts over a return to surplus at 1 per cent of GDP.
"We are focused on delivering a surplus and also meeting some of the challenges that our economy faces," he said.
"But the focus is on getting policy right, growing the economy, guaranteeing essential services, balancing the books and then the politics will take care of itself."
An outpouring of irrational Leftist hate comes to Australia
Last Friday, when the news broke that a gunman had killed dozens of people praying in mosques in New Zealand, ABC presenter Patricia Karvelas logged on to Twitter. In one of her tweets, she praised Scott Morrison for making an "incredibly strong" statement at a press conference after the massacre.
"He rightly described it as a right-wing terror attack," she wrote. "That is what this is."
Karvelas was impressed Morrison had highlighted the ideological nature of the attack. His response was altogether different from Trump's insistence, following the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, that there "were very fine people on both sides" of the protest.
She was instantly hit by a deluge of criticism.
"It was just one tweet about a press conference, not a dissertation about everything the Prime Minister has said about Muslims in his career. Yet it became this pile on," Karvelas says.
"People were accusing me of excusing his alleged past Islamophobia. A former ABC employee told me I should get out of journalism."
Ian Mannix, the former manager of ABC local radio Victoria, tweeted: "She fails to put it in context the years of hatred and racism against other people. If you can’t get this right, get out of the media."
Karvelas' conclusion: "We have lost the ability to be civil."
Craig Emerson, a senior cabinet minister in the Rudd-Gillard years, also praised Morrison's response - as well as the statements by Jacinda Ardern and Bill Shorten.
At an intensely upsetting and anxious moment for the Muslim community, Emerson believed all three leaders provided the strength and reassurance the moment demanded.
"I was just giving credit where it was due," he says. "I copped an avalanche of criticism."
The fact Emerson himself had taken a strong stand against white supremacy didn't matter. (Emerson quit as a Sky News commentator last year when the network hosted a soft interview with far-right leader Blair Cottrell.)
Like Karvelas, Emerson isn't precious and doesn't want pity. He doesn't even believe tribalism is inherently wrong or dangerous - political parties, after all, are tribes and so are our favourite sporting teams.
What concerns him is "mindless tribalism", the notion that you should never break with orthodoxy or give credit to a political opponent.
"This was just one isolated incident, but I do think it shows how hyper-partisan and tribal we have become," Karvelas says.
"I think most people, who are busy getting on with their lives, still value civility. But there is a noisy minority that floods the internet and skews the debate."
A similar point was made by Morrison in a speech this week when he said he was worried Australians are demonstrating "less understanding and grace towards others that we do not even know, making the worst possible assumptions about them and their motives, simply because we disagree with them".
"If we allow a culture of 'us and them', of tribalism, to take hold ... we will lose what makes diversity work in Australia," he said.
The extreme responses following Christchurch were not limited to anonymous trolls with a handful of followers.
Twitter, all too often, rewards the snarky putdown, the dogmatic over-reach, the bad-faith misinterpretation of someone's argument. Empathy won't get you much traction, and neither will nuance.
Only hours after the attack, former independent MP Tony Windsor said Morrison's "dog-whistling" had "borne fruit ... not here but on a softer target".
Marcia Langton, the chairwoman of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne, went further, saying the Prime Minister and most of his government were "complicit in mass murder".
Across the Atlantic, it wasn't only Trump, who famously called for a complete and total ban on Muslims entering the US, facing similar claims.
At a vigil in New York, Chelsea Clinton was confronted by activists who said she had helped cause the massacre. "The 49 people died because of the rhetoric you put out there," one protester told her.
How so? Clinton had recently criticised Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar for remarks that she, and many others, believe perpetuated anti-Semitic tropes.
Last month, US author Kosoko Jackson, who is black and gay, withdrew his forthcoming novel, A Place for Wolves, from publication.
Before his book had even hit shelves, Jackson had attracted a backlash for making two non-Muslim Americans the main characters in a story about the Kosovo War.
New York Times columnist Jennifer Senior argued that Jackson's book "should have failed or succeeded in the marketplace of ideas. But it was never given the chance. The mob got to it first."
After the Christchurch attacks, comedian Adam Hills was pilloried when he tweeted that he was "not OK" with Anning being egged as it would embolden his supporters.
One user's succinct response: "Adam Hills is cancelled."
Unlike the US, Australia's political discourse hasn't yet been carried away on a wave of toxic tribalism. But we're swimming in the same waters and it's worth thinking about whether we want to venture any further from the shore.
Another One Of Australia's lovely South Sudanese

An "Australian" woman is facing 21 years behind bars in the United States after she was found guilty of slapping and yelling at an airline crew member on a flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles.
Adau Akui Atem Mornyang, 24, of Victoria, was arrested and charged with felony interference with flight crew and one count of misdemeanour assault after flight UA99 landed in LA on January 21.
Ms Mornyang was accused of becoming intoxicated during her flight and verbally and physically abusing at least one member of the crew, as well as other passengers, according to a statement from the United States Department of Justice.
According to evidence shared at her trial, Ms Mornyang became disruptive several hours into the 14-hour flight from Melbourne.
She began to flail her arms and yell obscenities, including racial slurs.
A flight attendant approached Ms Mornyang about her disruptive behaviour but she reportedly kept yelling and slapped him across the face.
Her behaviour led to Ms Mornyang being restrained by federal air marshalls on-board the United flight.
They stayed with the Victorian woman in the rear galley of the plane until the flight landed safety at Los Angeles International Airport.
Ms Mornyang will now face a sentencing hearing, which is scheduled for June 24. She faces a maximum penalty of 21 years in a federal prison, according the Department of Justice.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here
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