Police search for missing campers over after remains found
This episode really grieves me. For two elderly people to have found love for one another is wonderful. And their discretion in not hurting their families with knowledge of it is also praiseworthy. But it cost them their lives at the hands of a brute. Two elderly people would have been no match for him when they were attacked

Victorian Police say they have finished searching an area of bushland in relation to missing campers Russell Hill and Carol Clay.
The hunt, which saw officers uncover human remains earlier this week, was conducted north of Dargo, almost 400km east of Melbourne, but has now wrapped up.
"Victoria Police has now concluded the search in bushland north of Dargo," Victoria Police said in a statement.
"As this matter is before the courts, we will not be facilitating any interviews in relation to the investigation."
Locals helped police bring a large excavator and a bobcat to the remote search site, which is about 15km north of Dargo in Victoria's alpine region.
Mr Hill, 74, and Ms Clay, 73, have been missing since they vanished while camping in the Wonnangatta Valley on March 20 last year.
Pilot Greg Lynn, 55, was charged with two counts of murder last week. He's been remanded in custody and will face court in May next year.
Racism in Queensland
However you look at it, it is excluding people on the basis of their race
Aborigine group have today been granted exclusive use to parts of one of Queensland’s most renowned group of tropical islands.
Traditional owners will gain exclusive access to live and hunt on parts of the Keppel Islands under a landmark Native Title determination over the tropical northern Queensland area.
Federal Court of Australia Justice Rangiah on Friday recognised the Woppaburra People as Native Title Holders over 567 sqkm of land and water off the eastern coast of Queensland – which comprises the Great Keppel and North Keppel Islands.
The determination will give the Woppaburra People the ability to enjoy parts of the area to the exclusion of all others, and the non-exclusive rights to hunt, fish and gather from the area, take natural resources for personal domestic and non-commercial communal purposes.
Great Keppel Island sits about 15km off the coast of Yeppoon in the southern Great Barrier Reef.
South Australian environment minister says he wants to quit because he's sick of dealing with 'crazy lefty activists' and 'Greta Thunbergs' who spout 'myths and nonsense'
I sympathize. The total lack of reality contact among the Green/Left gets very wearing
The South Australian environment minister wants out of his portfolio because he's sick of dealing with 'crazy leftie activists' and 'Greta Thunbergs'.
David Speirs told a private Liberal Party fundraiser on Monday night that he liked his portfolio but needed a 'refresh' because he was worn down by climate activists.
The 36-year-old lost a deputy leadership vote last week but asked those attending the fundraiser to 'lobby' Premier Steven Marshall on his behalf for another post.
'The crazy leftie activists, they do wear you down after a while so I think every few years you need to see a bit of a refresh because there's only so many times you can deal with the Greta Thunbergs of South Australia,' he said, according to the Adelaide Advertiser.
He said the SA Government was doing positive, concrete work on climate change such as moving to renewable energy, but activists tended to spout 'nonsense'.
'I think there's a lot of noise and crap around climate change because all the ills of the world are put in the climate change basket by the left of politics. There are a lot of myths and nonsense,' he said.
He said while countries like India and China needed to vastly reduce their emissions, Australia - which emits comparatively little pollution - could still show leadership in practical ways.
Shadow environment minister Susan Close said Mr Speirs comments were unfit for someone running the environment portfolio and his 'disparaging comments proves' he should not be minister.
Mr Speirs responded in parliament on Tuesday when questioned about the fundraiser speech. 'I may have said something like that, absolutely,' he said.
'But I believe I was making a comparison between the practical response to the great challenges of climate change and the poster-waving activism which doesn't lead to outcomes, such as gluing oneself to Flinders Street.'
In October, eight Extinction Rebellion protesters were arrested after gluing themselves to Adelaide CBD streets during peak hour.
'I'm not sure you get your message across when you disrupt and inconvenience so many people who potentially support your cause,' SA police commissioner Grant Stevens said of the protest
Education Qld whistleblower claims bullying, nepotism, classroom torture
Allegations of nepotism, bullying and cover-ups within the Education Department have been aired in Queensland Parliament.
Opposition education spokesman Christian Rowan has also revealed claims that school students were forced to squat in a corner as punishment for talking.
Dr Rowan has called on Education Minister Grace Grace and her director-general to investigate the matters immediately, saying he was “deeply shocked” and “gravely concerned”.
Dr Rowan told Parliament the alleged incidents, understood to have happened from 2018-20, had been raised with him by a former employee of the department and another public servant who is currently on sick leave within the department.
The allegations relate to the department but specifically its Integrity and Employee Relations Unit.
Dr Rowan said the complainants had sought whistleblower protection through him.
“Allegations from the two complainants included workplace bullying, maladministration, nepotism, and cover-ups within the Department of Education specifically related to complaints about teachers that were effectively dismissed without due process and investigation,” he said.
“I am very concerned about the specific allegations of alleged criminal conduct, including the fabrication of evidence, hacking, and reprisal action against public servants.”
Dr Rowan said one claim that shocked him, and would “equally shock all Queensland parents” involved a teacher allegedly committing a “heinous act against several students”.
“The teacher allegedly admitted to forcing children into inappropriate physical acts including forcing students to squat in a corner as a punishment for simply talking,” he said.
Dr Rowan said the public servant spoke to the Office of the Human Rights Commission and that it was confirmed the alleged actions of the teacher “were an act of torture, and should be addressed accordingly”.
“It was reported to me that no reprisal action was taken against the teacher by the Department of Education, and when the investigator pursued the issue, he was put on a performance management plan, and reprisal action commenced against this public servant,” he said.
Dr Rowan said the complainants had referenced to him documented examples of bullying and provided evidence of departmental procedures not being followed.
“On the basis of the information that has been provided to the Liberal National Party Opposition, and in view of countless other reported failings, it is absolutely clear that the Queensland State Labor Government is failing to deliver the world-class education system that Queenslanders deserve,” he said.
Dr Rowan said the matters needed to be investigated as soon as possible.
Also see my other blogs. Main ones below:
http://dissectleft.blogspot.com (DISSECTING LEFTISM -- daily)
http://antigreen.blogspot.com (GREENIE WATCH)
http://pcwatch.blogspot.com (POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH)
http://edwatch.blogspot.com (EDUCATION WATCH)
http://snorphty.blogspot.com/ (TONGUE-TIED)
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