Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull cops social media backlash over photo of him holding granddaughter and beer at the footy

Proof that conservatives can't win. What should have been a pleasant, normal scene was ripped apart by Leftist criticism. When I told my son about the photo and then told him of the adverse reaction, he roared with disgust
IT seemed innocent enough ... a photo of the Prime Minister holding his baby granddaughter while watching the footy.
But Malcolm Turnbull’s latest Facebook post has prompted a huge backlash online.
The PM has been branded "irresponsible" for the photo, which showed him holding his granddaughter Alice, with a beer in his other hand at the AFL final between the Swans and Bombers at the SCG yesterday.
He captioned the image "multi-tasking".
But Facebook users were not impressed, calling the PM out for being an "irresponsible" child minder and using the opportunity to criticise him over the upcoming gay marriage plebiscite.
One Facebook user commented: "Wasting 150 million dollars and watching the footy at the same time. #multi-tasking".
Another wrote: "Does anyone see anything irresponsible with an adult hold(ing) a baby and juggling a beer? And when was drinking while holding a child OK?"
The backlash continued: "I find it disgusting to see people breathing grog all over baby’s but sadly I’m not surprised by Malcolm doing it."
Turnbull’s Facebook post, which has attracted more than 7000 "likes", was inundated with more than 600 comments -- and counting.
While many slammed the PM, others defended the photo, saying there was nothing wrong with it.
One of Turnbull’s followers wrote, "To me it’s a nice pic of an Aussie Dad at the footy with his grandchild", while another said "good on him for being natural".
Turnbull calls for NT government to scrap moratorium on hydraulic fracturing
The Prime Minister has called on the Northern Territory Government to scrap its moratorium on hydraulic fracturing.
Malcolm Turnbull was in Darwin this morning to address the annual conference for the Country Liberals party.
During his 25-minute speech Mr Turnbull linked the ban to stopping the north being developed. "My message to Michael Gunner is pull the trigger," Mr Turnbull said. "Get on with it. Get on with it."
"The jobs, the investment, the opportunities that come with opening up 180 years of gas that you're sitting on is endless."
NT Labor were elected in a landslide last year on a promise to impose a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing until an independent scientific inquiry was carried out.
That is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year, at which point the Government will decide whether to allow fracking or ban it entirely.
It's estimated there's more than 200 trillion cubic feet of gas resources in six onshore basin in the NT, which would potentially provide enough gas to power Australia for more than 200 years.
Mr Turnbull also blamed Bill Shorten and Federal Labor for Australia's energy crisis. "It's has been created by Labor left ideology and incompetence.. Blackout Bill, fair dinkum, as my old dad would have said, he is so hopeless he could not find his backside with both hands."
Medical regulator, police raid anti-vax GP
I would hang the b*stard myself. He literally is a baby killer. The only thing that can protect the newborn from dread illnesses like whooping cough is herd immunity -- and anti-vaxxers destroy that
The medical regulator has raided the clinic of an anti-vax Melbourne GP, seizing computers and patients' files.
Dr John Piesse, who is temporarily suspended while being investigated for helping parents side-step the "no jab, no play" laws, said the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency raided the Nerida James Natural Healing Centre in Mitcham on Friday morning.
"I have been informed that the offices were raided," Dr Piesse said. "They took computers used for appointments, accounting and diagnostics. None of those computers have patients' records on them. A lot of manual files with patients' records were taken, he said.
A spokeswoman for the medical regulator confirmed the raid occurred, but would not give any details.
"In the course of our work AHPRA staff attended a premises yesterday," she said. "Because this was part of an ongoing investigation we cannot comment further."
A Victoria Police spokeswoman said police accompanied the medical regulator to the practice.
Dr Piesse, who wasn't at the clinic at the time, said patients had to be turned away as the raid continued all day.
"I am horrified, but on the other hand I understand AHPRA has been doing some really horrible things against doctors who are not mainstream and who practise differently," he said.
"The department [should) have a reasonable discussion with me, [instead], they start a trial by media and issue all these nasty allegations against me, and then ... plan a politically motivated attack on me for the simple reason that I support parents who have very good reason for not wanting to vaccinate."
Last week, Dr Piesse agreed to temporarily stop practising as a doctor after being advised his medical registration could be suspended after medical authorities launched an investigation into his registration.
The GP has previously been reprimanded by the regulator. In August, Dr Piesse and his colleague, naturopath Nerida James, attended a screening of the controversial anti-vaccination film Vaxxed in Hawthorn, where he told participants there were ways in which parents could get vaccination exemptions and he knew of other doctors who were providing them.
Under "no jab, no play" legislation introduced in 2016, childcare services and kindergartens must first obtain evidence that a child is fully immunised for their age, or on a catch-up vaccination program, or is unable to be fully immunised for medical reasons, before enrolling them.
Many parents involved in the anti-vaccination movement fear a link between the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and autism. Such a link was first suggested in 1998 by UK researcher Andrew Wakefield. His research, which was based on only 12 children, has since been disproved and retracted.
Victoria's Health Department first raised concerns with the regulator over Dr Piesse after he wrote to the Health Minister in August 2016 to apply for exemptions.
Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessy said she was deeply concerned Dr Piesse had continued to practice after years of disregard for community safety. "His arrogant boasts against vaccination are frustrating and irresponsible," Ms Hennessy said.
"It is completely irresponsible for people – particularly clinicians who are entrusted with the health of our community – to ignore the science and encourage parents not to immunise their children."
Ms Hennessy said practitioners who "peddle lies and misinformation about immunisation" put the health and safety of children at great risk. "They must be stopped and punished appropriately," she said.
"AHPRA's current undertaking and investigation onto Dr Piesse's registration is a step in the right direction."
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has warned that any registered doctors who advocate against vaccination will "have the full force of the authorities come down on them".
"There will be no sympathy, none at all, from the government if the authorities take the strongest possible decisions."
A gay comic given to Year 7 English students to study has caused a stir
A GRAPHIC novel featuring two princesses who fall in love with each other has been given to Year 7 students at a public high school as part of an English lesson.
The hard-cover comic Princess Princess Ever After has been described in a review as an example of a “romantic fairy tale for children featuring LGBTQIA characters”.
A father of one of the students said he thought the theme was inappropriate for 12-year-olds.
He has a gay sibling and he plans to vote Yes in the postal survey that starts next week on whether the law should be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry.
“I know the world’s changing but I just think it’s inappropriate for Year 7s,” the parent said. “I’m not homophobic. I just think at that age they’re dealing with enough. . . they don’t need to be reading stuff about gay relationships. “I think kids need to be kids for a little while.”
The comic was presented to students at Kalamunda Senior High School as an example of a “fractured fairy-tale” before they were asked to create their own graphic novel. The graphic novel features two princesses who fall in love with each other .
An Education Department spokeswoman said: “The comic was one of a number of examples used by a teacher in an English class to illustrate visual storytelling.”
Conservative Liberal senator Eric Abetz, a key figure in the campaign against same-sex marriage, said the comic was an example of parental rights being diminished.
“For schools to be giving this kind of material to 12 and 13-year-old children is completely inappropriate,” he said. “At such a young age these kinds of graphic novels should be left up to individual parents to determine the appropriateness, not teachers. The normalisation of these kinds of materials in classrooms without parental consent is just another reason to vote No in the marriage survey.”
Curtin University associate professor of human sexuality Sam Winter said schools should normalise same-sex relationships because they were a normal aspect of society.
“I don’t know of any research to show that teaching young adolescents that two people of the same sex can fall in love is in any way going to damage or corrupt them or even confuse them,” he said.
Katie O’Neill, the New Zealand artist who created the comic, said she believed it was essential to provide LGBT representation in children’s media.
“It’s easy for them to feel invisible or abnormal until much later in life, when they finally get to connect with media that offers a positive portrayal of who they truly are,” she said.
“And for kids who aren’t under the LGBT spectrum, books with LGBT characters help inspire compassion and understanding towards those who are different from themselves.”
Coldest night in 45 years for parts of Australia
Global cooling!
IF you thought winter was over, you might want to think again because spring isn’t quite ready to officially take over just yet.
Temperatures across NSW plummeted yesterday with residents in the inland town of Goulburn shivering through the coldest September night in 45 years, with a chilly -5C recorded.
The good news is the cold snap isn’t hanging around for too much longer.
Sky News weather meteorologist Tristan Meyer told the cold snap was the result of a high pressure system.
“This high pressure system will also lead to predominantly sunny skies and a warm day over the southeast,” he said.
The cool overnight temperatures was a significant drop for Goulburn with the average minimum for this time of year being 4.6C.
There’s also good news for Tasmanians though who were bombarded with snow last week.
It looks like the icy conditions have eased off and are being replaced with more springlike temperatures.
However there are still some strong wind warnings in place for the South West Coast and Central West Coast of Tasmania for the beginning of the week.
Temperatures dropped to -6C in parts of the state during the cold snap but the freezing weather eventually subsided with Hobart reaching a maximum on 15C today.
While southeastern Australia is shivering, it’s a different case entirely for the northern part of Australia.
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a fire weather warning for Darwin and Adelaide River as that high pressure system slowly moves eastwards causing hot and dry winds to sweep across parts of the Northern Territory.
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here
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